English Words with “R” to Enrich Your Vocabulary

Words starting with “R”

Rich English vocabulary helps you write interesting sentences. It improves the impact of the writing on the readers. To score good in IELTS, GRE in writing rich vocabulary is must. So learn and practice more to get good grasp on English language. Hope you will find this post really helpful.

(245 Words with Meaning in English)

  1. rabble  crowd
  2. rabid  mad, furious
  3. racketeer  gangster, swindler
  4. raconteur  storyteller
  5. radical  revolutionary
  6. raffish  rowdy, dashing
  7. rail  rant, harangue
  8. raiment  clothing
  9. rake  womanizer
  10. rally  assemble
  11. rambunctious   boisterous
  12. ramification   consequence
  13. rampage  run amuck
  14. rampant  unbridled, raging
  15. ramrod  rod
  16. rancid  rotten
  17. rancor  resentment
  18. randy  vulgar
  19. rankle cause bitterness, resentment
  20. rant  rage, scold
  21. rapacious  grasping, avaricious
  22. rapidity  speed
  23. rapier  sword
  24. rapine  plunder
  25. rapport  affinity, empathy
  26. rapprochement reconciliation
  27. rapture   bliss
  28. rash  hasty, brash
  29. rasp  scrape
  30. ratify  approve
  31. ration  allowance, portion
  32. rationale justification
  33. ravage  plunder, ruin
  34. ravish  captivate, charm
  35. raze  destroy or level a building
  36. realm  kingdom, domain
  37. realpolitik  cynical interpretation of politics
  38. reap  harvest
  39. rebuff  reject, snub
  40. rebuke  criticize, reprimand
  41. rebus  picture puzzle
  42. rebuttal  reply, counterargument
  43. recalcitrant  stubbornly resisting the authority of another
  44. recant  retract a previous statement
  45. recapitulate  restate, summarize
  46. recede  move back
  47. receptacle  container
  48. receptive  open to ideas
  49. recidivism  habitual criminal activity
  50. recipient one who receives
  51. reciprocal  mutual, return in kind
  52. recital  performance, concert
  53. recitation   recital, lesson
  54. reclusive   solitary
  55. recoil  flinch, retreat
  56. recollect   remember
  57. recompense  repay, compensate
  58. reconcile  adjust, balance
  59. recondite  mystical, profound
  60. reconnaissance   surveillance
  61. reconnoiter  to survey, to scout (especially for military purposes)
  62. recount  recite
  63. recoup  recover
  64. recourse   appeal, resort
  65. recreant  cowardly
  66. recrimination  countercharge, retaliation
  67. recruit  draftee
  68. rectify  correct, to make right
  69. recumbent  reclining
  70. recuperation   recovery
  71. recur  repeat, revert
  72. redeem  buy back, justify, restore yourself to favor or to good opinion
  73. redeemer  savior
  74. redemption  salvation
  75. redolent  fragrant
  76. redoubt   fort
  77. redoubtable  formidable, steadfast
  78. redress  restitution, compensation
  79. redundant  repetitious
  80. reek  smell
  81. reel  stagger, to lurch backward as though struck by a blow
  82. referendum   vote
  83. refined  purified, cultured
  84. reflux   ebb
  85. refraction  bending, deflection
  86. refractory  obstinate, disobedient
  87. refrain  abstain
  88. refurbish  remodel, renovate
  89. refute  disprove, contradict
  90. regal  royal
  91. regale  entertain
  92. regalia   emblems
  93. regime  a government
  94. regiment  infantry unit
  95. regrettable  lamentable, unfortunate
  96. regurgitate   vomit, repeat
  97. rehash  wearily discuss again
  98. reign  rule, influence
  99. rein  curb, restrain
  100. reincarnation   rebirth
  101. reiterate  repeat, say again
  102. rejoice  celebrate
  103. rejoinder  answer, retort
  104. rejuvenate  make young again
  105. relapse  recurrence (of illness)
  106. relegate  assign to an inferior position
  107. relent  soften, yield
  108. relentless   unstoppable
  109. relic  antique
  110. relinquish  release, renounce
  111. relish   savor
  112. remedial  corrective
  113. remiss   negligent
  114. remit  forgive, send payment
  115. remnant  residue, fragment
  116. remonstrance  protest
  117. remorse  guilt
  118. remuneration   compensation
  119. renaissance   rebirth
  120. renascent  reborn
  121. rend  to tear apart
  122. render  deliver, provide
  123. rendezvous  a meeting
  124. rendition  version, interpretation
  125. renege  break a promise
  126. renounce   disown
  127. renown  fame
  128. rent  tear, rupture
  129. reparation  amends, atonement
  130. repartee  witty conversation
  131. repatriate  to send back to the native land
  132. repellent  causing aversion
  133. repent  atone for
  134. repercussion  consequence
  135. repertoire  stock of works
  136. repine   fret
  137. replenish refill
  138. replete complete
  139. replica  copy
  140. replicate  duplicate
  141. repose   rest
  142. reprehensible   blameworthy
  143. repress  suppress
  144. reprieve  temporary suspension
  145. reprimand  rebuke
  146. reprisal  retaliation
  147. reprise  repetition
  148. reproach  blame
  149. reprobate  miscreant
  150. reprove  rebuke
  151. repudiate  disavow
  152. repugnant  distasteful, revolting
  153. repulse   repel
  154. repulsive   repugnant
  155. repute  status, reputation, esteem
  156. reputed  supposed, presumed, alleged
  157. requiem  rest, a mass for the dead
  158. requisite  necessary
  159. requisition  order, formal demand
  160. requite  to return in kind
  161. rescind  revoke
  162. reserve  self-control
  163. reside  dwell
  164. residue  remaining part
  165. resigned  accepting of a situation
  166. resilience  ability to recover from an illness or a setback
  167. resolute  determined
  168. resolution   determination
  169. resolve  determination
  170. resonant  reverberating
  171. resort  recourse
  172. resound   echo
  173. resourceful   inventive,  skillful
  174. respectively  in that order
  175. respire  breathe
  176. respite  rest, temporary delay
  177. resplendent  shining, splendid
  178. restitution  reparation, amends
  179. restive  nervous, uneasy
  180. resurgence   revival
  181. resurrection   rebirth
  182. resuscitate   revive
  183. retain  keep
  184. retainer  advance fee
  185. retaliate  revenge
  186. retch   vomit
  187. reticent  reserved
  188. retiring  modest, unassuming
  189. retort  quick reply
  190. retrench  cut back, economize
  191. retribution  reprisal
  192. retrieve  reclaim
  193. retrograde  regress
  194. retrospective  reminiscent, display
  195. revamp  recast
  196. reveille   bugle call
  197. revel  frolic, take joy in
  198. revelry  merrymaking
  199. revenue  income
  200. revere  honor
  201. reverent  respectful
  202. reverie  daydream
  203. revert  return to a former state
  204. revile  denounce, defame
  205. revision   new version
  206. revive   renew
  207. revoke  repeal
  208. revulsion   aversion
  209. rhapsody  ecstasy
  210. rhetoric  elocution, grandiloquence
  211. rheumatism   inflammation
  212. ribald  coarse, vulgar
  213. rickety  shaky, ramshackle
  214. ricochet  carom, rebound
  215. rife widespread, abundant
  216. riffraff  dregs of society
  217. rifle  search through and steal
  218. rift  a split, an opening, disagreement
  219. righteous   upright, moral
  220. rigor  harshness, precise and exacting
  221. rime  crust
  222. riposte  counterthrust
  223. risible   laughable
  224. risqué  off-color, racy
  225. rivet  engross
  226. robust   vigorous
  227. rogue  scoundrel
  228. roister   bluster
  229. romp  frolic
  230. roseate  rosy,  optimistic
  231. roster  list of people
  232. rostrum  podium
  233. roué  libertine
  234. rouse  awaken, provoke
  235. rout  vanquish, cause to retreat
  236. rubicund  ruddy complexion
  237. ruck  the common herd
  238. rudiment  beginning, kernel
  239. rue  regret
  240. ruffian  brutal person
  241. ruminate  ponder
  242. rummage   hunt, grope
  243. runel stream
  244. ruse  trick
  245. rustic  rural

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