English Words with “H” to Enrich Your Vocabulary

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Words starting with “H”

Rich English vocabulary helps you write interesting sentences. It improves the impact of the writing on the readers. To score good in IELTS, GRE in writing rich vocabulary is must. So learn and practice more to get good grasp on English language. Hope you will find this post really helpful.

(82 Words with Meaning in English)

  1. habitat  natural environment
  2. habituate   accustom
  3. hackneyed  trite
  4. haggard  gaunt
  5. halcyon  serene
  6. hale   healthy
  7. hallucination    delusion
  8. hamper  obstruct
  9. hapless   unlucky
  10. harangue  tirade
  11. harass  torment
  12. harbinger  forerunner
  13. harbor  give shelter, conceal
  14. hardy  healthy
  15. harlequin   clown
  16. harp  complain incessantly
  17. harridan  hag
  18. harrowing   distressing
  19. harry  harass
  20. haughty  arrogant
  21. haven  refuge
  22. havoc  destruction, chaos
  23. hearsay   gossip
  24. hedonism  the pursuit of pleasure in life
  25. heed  follow advice
  26. heedless   careless
  27. hegemony  authority, domination
  28. hegira  a journey to a more pleasant place
  29. heinous   vile,  atrocious
  30. heliocentric  having the sun as a center
  31. helix   a  spiral
  32. helots   slaves
  33. herald  harbinger
  34. herbivorous   feeding on plants
  35. Herculean  powerful, large
  36. hermetic  airtight, sealed
  37. hermit  one who lives in solitude
  38. herpetologist one who studies reptiles
  39. heterodox  departing form established doctrines
  40. heuristic  teaching device or method
  41. hew  cut
  42. heyday  glory days, prime
  43. hiatus  interruption
  44. hibernal  wintry
  45. hidalgo  nobleman
  46. hidebound  prejudiced, provincial
  47. hideous  horrible
  48. hie  to hasten
  49. highbrow  intellectual
  50. hirsute  bearded
  51. histrionic   overly dramatic
  52. holograph  written entirely by hand
  53. homage   respect
  54. homely   plain
  55. homily   sermon
  56. homogeneous    uniform
  57. homonym  words that are identical in spelling and pronunciation
  58. hone  sharpen
  59. horde  group
  60. hortatory  inspiring good deeds
  61. hospice   shelter
  62. hovel  shanty, cabin
  63. hoyden  tomboy
  64. hubris  arrogance
  65. hue  color
  66. humane  compassionate
  67. humanities  languages and literature
  68. humility   humbleness
  69. hummock  knoll, mound
  70. humus  soil
  71. husbandry  management
  72. hybrid crossbreed
  73. hydrophobia  fear of water
  74. hygienic   sanitary
  75. hymeneal  pertaining to marriage
  76. hymn  religious song
  77. hyperactive  overactive
  78. hyperbole  exaggeration
  79. hypertension   elevated blood pressure
  80. hypocritical  deceiving, two-faced
  81. hypoglycemic   low blood sugar
  82. hypothermia  low body temperature 

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