Rich English vocabulary helps you write interesting sentences. It improves the impact of the writing on the readers. To score good in IELTS, GRE in writing rich vocabulary is must. So learn and practice more to get good grasp on English language. Hope you will find this post really helpful.
Rich English vocabulary helps you write interesting sentences. It improves the impact of the writing on the readers. To score good in IELTS, GRE in writing rich vocabulary is must. So learn and practice more to get good grasp on English language. Hope you will find this post really helpful.
Rich English vocabulary helps you write interesting sentences. It improves the impact of the writing on the readers. To score good in IELTS, GRE in writing rich vocabulary is must. So learn and practice more to get good grasp on English language. Hope you will find this post really helpful.
Rich English vocabulary helps you write interesting sentences.
Hello Everyone, As the 43rd BCS written exam is going on, here is the update. The International affairs exam has been completed on 26/07/2022. Here i have collected the question… Read more 43rd BCS Written Exam Question (International Affairs) →
Hello everyone, The 40th BCS written exam has finished on 08.01.2020. I have collected the questions and sharing it for future preparations. Hope it will be very helpful to everyone.
Here is the questions,
Hello everyone, I know this is a late post but i think still it can be helpful. Those who are preparing for 37th BCS written exam it will really help.… Read more 36th Bcs Written Exam Questions (Bangla, English, Math, Bangladesh, International, General Knowledge, IT) →
Hello everyone, On 3/09/2015 two written exam was held the firs one was MATH and Mental Ability, after frustrating one then came the International part. I am not very proficient… Read more 35th BCS Written exam Question (International affairs) →