English Words with “J”, “K”, “L” to Enrich Your Vocabulary
Rich English vocabulary helps you write interesting sentences. It improves the impact of the writing on the readers. To score good in IELTS, GRE in writing rich vocabulary is must. So learn and practice more to get good grasp on English language. Hope you will find this post really helpful.
Total 128 words with J, K and L
J words:
- jabberwocky nonsense
- jaded spent, bored with one’s situation
- jargon specialized vocabulary
- jaundiced biased, embittered
- jeer mock
- jejune barren, unsophisticated
- jest joke
- jilt reject, end a relationship promptly
- jingoistic nationalistic, warmongering
- jocular humorous
- jostle push, brush against
- journeyman reliable worker
- joust combat between knights on horses
- jubilant in high spirits
- judicious prudent
- juggernaut unstoppable force
- jugular throat
- juncture pivotal point in time
- junoesque stately beauty
- junta small ruling group
- jurisdiction domain
- jurisprudence law
- justify excuse, mitigate
- juvenescent making young, growing out of infancy and into childhood
- juxtapose to place side by side
K words:
- kaleidoscope series of changing events
- keen of sharp mind
- ken purview, range of comprehension
- kindle arouse, inspire
- kindred similar, related by blood
- kinetic pertaining to motion
- kismet fate, the will of Allah
- kite bad check
- kitsch trashy art
- kleptomania impulse to steal
- knave con man
- knead massage, to fold, press, and stretch a substance into a uniform mass
- knell sound of a bell
- Koran holy book of Islam
- kowtow behave obsequiously
- kudos acclaim
L Words:
- labyrinth maze
- lacerate tear, cut
- lachrymose tearful
- lackey servant
- laconic brief, terse
- lactic derived from milk
- lacuna a missing part, gap
- laggard loafer, slacker
- lagniappe bonus
- laity laymen
- lambent softly radiant
- lament mourn
- lamina layer
- lampoon satirize
- languish weaken
- lanyard short rope
- larceny theft
- largess generous donation
- lascivious lustful
- lassitude lethargy
- latent potential, dormant
- laudatory commendable
- laurels fame, success
- lave wash
- lavish extravagant
- lax loose, careless
- laxity carelessness
- layman nonprofessional
- lectern reading desk
- leery cautious, doubtful
- legacy bequest
- legerdemain trickery
- legible readable
- legislate make laws
- legitimate lawful
- lenient forgiving
- lethargic drowsy, sluggish
- levee embankment, dam
- leviathan a monster
- levity frivolity
- liable legally responsible
- liaison relationship, affair
- libertarian one who believes in complete freedom
- libertine roué, rake
- libidinous lustful
- licentious lewd, immoral
- lien financial claim
- lieutenant one who acts in place of another
- ligature bond
- ligneous woodlike
- Lilliputian very small
- limerick poem
- limn portray, describe
- limpid transparent, clearly understood
- linchpin something that is indispensable
- lineage ancestry
- linguistics study of language
- liquidate eliminate
- lissome agile, supple
- listless lacking spirit or interest
- litany list
- lithe supple
- litigate contest with a lawsuit
- litotes two negative statement that cancel to make a positive statement
- liturgy ceremony
- livid enraged
- loath reluctant
- loathe abhor, dislike
- lofty high
- logistics means of supplying troops
- logo symbol
- logy sluggish
- loquacious talkative
- lothario rake, womanizer
- lout goon, hoodlum
- lucid clearly understood
- lucrative profitable
- lucre money, profit
- ludicrous absurd
- lugubrious extremely sad
- luminous bright
- lupine wolf-like
- lure entice
- lurid ghastly, sensational
- luster gloss, sheen
- luxuriant lush, lavish
- lynch to execute by hanging without a trial