English Words with “D” to Enrich Your Vocabulary
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Words starting with “D”
Rich English vocabulary helps you write interesting sentences. It improves the impact of the writing on the readers. To score good in IELTS, GRE in writing rich vocabulary is must. So learn and practice more to get good grasp on English language. Hope you will find this post really helpful.
(266 Words with Meaning in English)
- dab touch lightly
- dais platform
- dally procrastinate, linger
- dank cold and damp
- dauntless courageous
- de facto actual, in effect
- de jure legally
- de rigueur very formal, compulsory
- deadpan expressionless
- dearth scarcity
- debacle a rout, defeat
- debase degrade
- debauch corrupt
- debauchery indulgence
- debilitate weaken
- debonair sophisticated, affable
- debrief interrogate, inform
- debunk refute, expose
- debutante a girl debuting into society
- decadence decay (e.g. moral or cultural)
- decant pour
- decapitate kill by beheading
- decathlon athletic contest
- deceive trick
- deciduous shedding leaves
- decimate destroy
- decipher decode
- decline decrease in number
- decommission take a ship out of service
- decorous seemly, dignified
- decorum protocol, etiquette
- decree official order
- decrepitude enfeeblement
- decry castigate
- deduce conclude
- deduct subtract
- deem judge
- deface mar, disfigure
- defamation (noun) slander
- defame (verb) slander
- defeatist one who is resigned to defeat
- defer postpone
- deference courteously yielding to another
- deficit shortage
- defile pollute, corrupt
- definitive conclusive, final
- deflect turn aside
- deflower despoil
- defraud swindle
- defray pay
- deft skillful
- defunct extinct
- degrade demean
- dehydrate dry out
- deign condescend
- deity a god
- delectable delicious
- delegate authorize
- delete remove
- deleterious harmful
- deliberate ponder
- delineate draw a line around, describe
- delinquent negligent, culpable
- delirium mental confusion, ecstasy
- delude deceive
- deluge a flood
- delve dig, explore (of ideas)
- demagogue a politician who appeals to base instincts
- demean degrade
- demeanor behavior
- demented deranged
- demise death
- demobilize disband
- demography study of human populations
- demoralize dishearten
- demote lower in rank
- demur take (mild) exception, balk
- demure sedate, reserved
- denigrate defame
- denizen dweller
- denomination class, sect
- denote signify, stand for
- denouement resolution
- denounce condemn
- denude strip bare
- depart leave
- depict portray
- deplete exhaust
- deplore condemn
- deploy arrange forces
- deportment behavior, posture
- deposition testimony
- depravity immorality, wickedness
- deprecate belittle
- depredation preying on, plunder
- deprive take away
- deracinate uproot
- derelict negligent
- deride ridicule
- derisive mocking
- derogatory degrading
- derrick crane
- desecrate profane, defile
- desiccate dehydrate
- designate appoint
- desist stop
- desolate forsaken
- despicable contemptible
- despise loathe
- despondent depressed
- despot tyrant
- destitute poor
- desuetude disuse
- desultory without direction in life
- detached emotionally removed
- detain confine
- détente truce
- detention confinement
- deter discourage, prevent
- deterrent hindrance, disincentive
- detract lessen, undermine
- detractor one who criticizes
- detrimental harmful
- detritus debris
- devastate lay waste
- deviate turn away from
- devise plan
- devoid empty
- devotee enthusiast, follower
- devout pious
- diabolical devilish
- dialectic pertaining to debate
- diaphanous sheer, translucent
- diatribe long denunciation
- dicey risky
- dichotomy a division into two parts
- dictate command
- dictum saying
- didactic instructional
- diffident shy
- digress ramble
- dilapidated neglected
- dilate enlarge
- dilatory procrastinating
- dilemma a difficult choice
- dilettante amateur, dabbler
- diligent hard-working
- diminution reduction
- diocese district
- dire dreadful
- dirigible airship, blimp
- disabuse correct
- disaffect alienate
- disarray disorder
- disavow deny, disown
- disband disperse
- disburse pay out
- discernible visible
- discerning observant
- disclaim renounce
- disconcert confuse
- disconsolate inconsolable
- discord lack of harmony
- discourse conversation
- discreet prudent
- discrepancy difference, disagreement
- discrete separate
- discretion prudence, the ability to make well-reasoned decisions
- discriminating able to see differences
- discursive rambling
- disdain contempt
- disengage release, detach
- disfigure mar, ruin
- disgruntled disappointed
- dishevel muss
- disinclination unwillingness
- disingenuous deceptive, insincere
- disinter unearth
- disinterested impartial
- disjointed disconnected, incoherent
- dismal gloomy
- dismantle take apart
- dismay dread
- disparage belittle
- disparate various
- disparity difference, inequality
- dispassionate impartial
- dispatch send
- dispel cause to banish
- disperse scatter
- dispirit discourage
- disposition attitude, temper
- dispossess take away possessions
- disputatious fond of arguing
- dispute debate
- disquietude anxiety
- disquisition elaborate treatise
- disrepute disgrace
- dissemble pretend, hide true beliefs
- disseminate distribute
- dissent disagree with the majority
- dissertation lecture
- dissidence disagreement
- dissipate scatter, squander
- dissolute profligate, immoral
- dissolution disintegration
- dissonance discord
- dissuade deter
- distend swell
- distortion misinterpret, lie
- distract divert
- distrait preoccupied, absent-minded
- distraught distressed
- distrust suspect
- dither move without purpose
- diurnal daily
- diva prima donna
- diverge branch off
- diverse varying
- diversion pastime
- diversity variety
- divest strip, deprive
- dividend distributed profits
- divine foretell
- divisive causing conflict
- divulge disclose
- docile domesticated, trained
- dock curtail
- doctrinaire dogmatic
- document verify
- dodder tremble
- dogged persistent
- doggerel poor verse
- dogmatic certain, unchanging in opinion
- dolce sweetly and gently
- doldrums dullness
- doleful sorrowful
- dolorous gloomy
- domicile home
- dominion area of authority
- don assume, put on
- donor contributor
- dormant asleep
- dossier file
- dotage senility
- doting attending
- double-entendre having two meanings one of which is sexually suggestive
- doughty resolute, unafraid
- dour sullen
- dowager widow
- doyen dean of a group
- draconian harsh
- dregs residue, riffraff
- drivel inane speech
- droll amusing
- drone speak in a monotonic voice
- dubious doubtful
- ductile stretchable
- dudgeon resentment, indignant humor
- duenna governess
- duet twosome
- dulcet melodious
- dupe one who is easily trick, victim
- duplicity deceit, treachery
- duress coercion
- dynamic energetic