English Words with “B” to Enrich Your Vocabulary
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Words starting with “B”
Rich English vocabulary helps you write interesting sentences. It improves the impact of the writing on the readers. To score good in IELTS, GRE in writing rich vocabulary is must. So learn and practice more to get good grasp on English language. Hope you will find this post really helpful.
(134 Words with Meaning in English)
- babbittry smugness
- bacchanal orgy, drunken celebration
- badger pester
- badinage banter
- bagatelle nonentity, trifle
- bailiwick area of concern or business
- baleen whalebone
- baleful hostile, malignant
- balk hesitate
- balky hesitant
- ballad song
- ballast counterbalance
- ballistics study of projectiles
- balm soothing ointment
- banal trite
- bandy exchange
- bane poison, nuisance
- barbarian savage
- bard poet
- baroque ornate
- barrister lawyer
- bask take pleasure in, sun
- basso low male voice
- bastion fort
- bathos sentimentality
- batten fasten, board up
- battery physical attack
- bauble trinket
- beatify sanctify
- beatitude state of bliss
- beckon lure
- becoming proper
- bedlam uproar
- befit to be suitable
- beget produce, procreate
- begrudge resent, envy
- beguile deceive, seduce
- behemoth monster
- behest command
- beholden in debt, obliged
- belabor assail verbally, dwell on
- belated delayed, overdue
- beleaguer besiege
- belfry bell tower
- belie misrepresent, disprove
- belittle disparage
- bellicose warlike
- belligerent combative
- bellow shout
- bellwether leader, guide
- bemoan lament
- bemused bewildered
- benchmark standard
- benediction blessing
- benefactor patron
- benevolent kind
- benign harmless
- bent determined
- bequeath will
- bequest gift, endowment
- berate scold
- bereave to rob, to deprive somebody of a love one, especially through death
- bereft deprived of
- berserk crazed with anger
- beseech implore, beg
- beset harass, encircle
- besiege beleaguer, surround
- besmirch slander, sully
- bespeak attest
- bestial beast-like, brutal
- bestow offer, grant
- betrothed engaged
- bevy group
- bibliography list of sources of information
- bicameral having two legislative branches
- bicker quarrel
- biennial occurring every two years
- bilateral two-sided
- bilious ill-tempered
- bilk swindle
- biodegradable naturally decaying
- biopsy removing tissue for examination
- biped two-footed animal
- bistro tavern, cafe
- bivouac encampment
- blandish flatter, grovel
- blasé bored with life
- blasphemy insulting God
- bleak cheerless, forlorn
- blight decay
- bliss happiness
- blithe joyous
- bloated swollen
- bode portend
- bogus forged, false
- bogy bugbear
- boisterous noisy
- bolt move quickly and suddenly
- bombast pompous speech
- bon vivant gourmet, epicure
- bona fide made in good faith
- bonanza a stroke of luck
- boon payoff, windfall
- boor vulgar person
- bootless unavailing
- booty loot, stolen goods
- botch bungle
- bourgeois middle class
- bovine cow-like
- boycott abstain in protest
- bracing refreshing
- brackish salty
- brandish display menacingly
- bravado feigned bravery
- bravura technically difficult, brilliant
- brawn strength
- brevity shortness of expression
- brigand robber
- brink edge, threshold
- broach bring up a topic for conversation
- bromide cliché
- brook tolerate
- browbeat to bully
- brusque curt
- bucolic rustic
- buffet blow, pummel
- buffoon fool, joker
- bulwark fortification
- buncombe empty, showy talk
- buoyant floatable, cheerful
- burgeon sprout
- burlesque farce
- burly husky
- buttress support
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