English Words with “A” to Enrich Your Vocabulary

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Words starting with “A”

Rich English vocabulary helps you write interesting sentences. It improves the impact of the writing on the readers. To score good in IELTS, GRE in writing rich vocabulary is must. So learn and practice more to get good grasp on English language. Hope you will find this post really helpful.

(365 Words with Meaning in English)

  1. a cappella  without accompaniment
  2. à la carte  priced separately
  3. a priori  reasoning based on general principles
  4. aback  unexpected, surprised
  5. abacus  counting device
  6. abandon  desert, forsake
  7. abase  degrade
  8. abash  humiliate, embarrass
  9. abate  lessen, subside
  10. abatement   alleviation
  11. abbey  monastery
  12. abbreviate  shorten
  13. abdicate  relinquish power or position
  14. abdomen   belly
  15. abduct  kidnap
  16. aberrant  abnormal
  17. abet  aid, encourage (typically of crime)
  18. abeyance  postponement
  19. abhor  detest
  20. abide  submit, endure
  21. abject  wretched
  22. abjure  renounce
  23. ablate  cut away
  24. ablution   cleansing
  25. abode  home
  26. abolish   annul,  eliminate
  27. abominable   detestable
  28. aboriginal   indigenous, native
  29. abortive  unsuccessful
  30. abound  be plentiful
  31. abreast  side-by-side
  32. abridge  shorten
  33. abroad  overseas
  34. abrogate  cancel
  35. abrupt ending suddenly
  36. abscess  infected and inflamed tissue
  37. abscond  to run away (secretly)
  38. absolve  acquit, free from blame
  39. abstain   refrain
  40. abstract  theoretical, intangible
  41. abstruse  difficult to understand
  42. abut  touch, border on
  43. abysmal  deficient, sub par
  44. abyss   chasm
  45. academy   school
  46. accede  yield, agree
  47. accentuate   emphasize
  48. accession   attainment of rank
  49. accessory  attachment, accomplice
  50. acclaim  recognition, fame
  51. acclimate  accustom oneself to a climate, adjust
  52. acclivity   ascent, incline
  53. accolade   applause, tribute
  54. accommodate   adapt, assist, house
  55. accomplice   one who aids a lawbreaker
  56. accord  agreement
  57. accost  to approach and speak to someone aggressively
  58. accouter  equip, clothe
  59. accredit  authorize
  60. accrete  grow larger
  61. accrue  accumulate
  62. accumulate   amass
  63. acerbic  caustic, bitter (of speech)
  64. acme  summit, zenith
  65. acolyte  assistant (usually to clergy)
  66. acoustic  pertaining to sound
  67. acquaint  familiarize
  68. acquiesce  agree passively
  69. acquit  free from blame
  70. acrid  pungent, caustic, choking
  71. acrimonious   caustic, resentful
  72. acrophobia  fear of heights
  73. actuate  induce, start
  74. acumen  insight
  75. acute  sharp, intense
  76. ad nauseam  to a ridiculous degree
  77. ad-lib  improvise
  78. adage  proverb
  79. adamant  insistent
  80. adapt  adjust to changing conditions
  81. adaptable   pliable
  82. addendum  appendix, supplement
  83. adduce  offer as example
  84. adept  skillful
  85. adhere  stick to
  86. adherent  supporter
  87. adieu  farewell
  88. adipose   fatty
  89. adjacent  next to
  90. adjourn  suspend, discontinue
  91. adjudicate  judge
  92. adjunct  addition
  93. administer   manage
  94. admissible   allowable
  95. admonish  warn gently
  96. ado  fuss, commotion
  97. Adonis  a beautiful man
  98. adroit  skillful
  99. adulation  applause, worship
  100. adulterate  contaminate, corrupt
  101. adumbration  overshadow
  102. advent  arrival of something important
  103. adventitious   accidental, extrinsic
  104. adversary  opponent
  105. adverse  unfavorable, opposing
  106. adversity  hardship
  107. advise  give counsel
  108. advocate  urge, support
  109. aegis  that which protects, sponsorship
  110. aerial  pertaining to the air
  111. aerobics  exercise
  112. aesthetic  pleasing to the senses, beautiful
  113. affable  friendly
  114. affect  influence
  115. affectation  pretense, showing off
  116. affidavit  sworn written statement
  117. affiliate   associate
  118. affiliation   connection,  association
  119. affinity   fondness
  120. affix  fasten
  121. affliction illness
  122. affluent  abundant, wealthy
  123. affray  brawl
  124. affront   insult
  125. aficionado  devotee, ardent follower
  126. afoul  entangled, in trouble
  127. aft  rear
  128. aftermath  consequence
  129. agape  wonder
  130. agenda  plan, timetable
  131. agent provocateur   agitator
  132. aggrandize  exaggerate
  133. aggravate   worsen
  134. aggregate  total, collect
  135. aggressor  attacker
  136. aggrieve   mistreat
  137. aggrieved  unjustly injured
  138. aghast  horrified
  139. agile   nimble
  140. agitate   stir  up
  141. agnate  related on the father’s side
  142. agnostic  not knowing whether God exists
  143. agrarian  pertaining to farming
  144. agronomy  science of crop production
  145. air discuss, broadcast
  146. airs  pretension
  147. akimbo  with hands on hips
  148. akin  related
  149. al fresco   outdoors
  150. alacrity  swiftness
  151. albatross   large sea bird
  152. albino   lacking  pigmentation
  153. alcove   recess, niche
  154. alias  assumed name
  155. alibi  excuse
  156. alienate  estrange, antagonize
  157. alight  land, descend, to happen to find a place to rest
  158. allay to reassure
  159. allege  assert without proof
  160. allegiance   loyalty
  161. allegory    fable
  162. allegro  fast
  163. alleviate  lessen, assuage
  164. alliteration   repetition of the same sound
  165. allocate   distribute
  166. allot   allocate, ration
  167. allude  refer to indirectly
  168. ally  unite for a purpose
  169. almanac  calendar with additional information
  170. alms  charity
  171. aloof  arrogant, detached
  172. altercation   argument
  173. altitude   height
  174. alto  low female voice
  175. altruism  benevolence, generosity
  176. amalgamation   mixture
  177. amass  collect
  178. ambient  surrounding, environment
  179. ambiguous  unclear
  180. ambivalence   conflicting  emotions
  181. ambulatory   able to walk
  182. ameliorate   improve
  183. amenable  agreeable
  184. amend  correct
  185. amenities  courtesies, comforts
  186. amenity  pleasantness
  187. amiable  friendly
  188. amid  among
  189. amiss  wrong, out of place
  190. amity  friendship, good will
  191. amnesty  pardon
  192. amoral  without morals
  193. amorous   loving, sexual
  194. amorphous  shapeless
  195. amortize  pay by installments
  196. amphibious  able to operate in water and land
  197. amphitheater  oval-shaped theater
  198. amuck  murderous frenzy
  199. amulet   charm, talisman
  200. amuse  entertain
  201. anachronistic  out of historical order
  202. anaerobic  without oxygen
  203. anagram  a word formed by rearranging the letters of another word
  204. analgesic   pain-soother
  205. analogous   similar
  206. analogy  point by point comparison
  207. anarchist  terrorist, nihilist
  208. anarchy  absence of government, chaos
  209. anathema  curse, abomination
  210. anecdote   story
  211. aneurysm  bulging in a blood vessel
  212. angst  anxiety, dread
  213. animadversion  critical remark
  214. animated  exuberant
  215. animosity   dislike
  216. animus  hate
  217. annals  historical records
  218. annex  to attach, to take possession of
  219. annihilate   destroy
  220. annotate  to add explanatory notes
  221. annul  cancel
  222. annular  ring-shaped
  223. anodyne   pain soothing
  224. anoint  consecrate, apply ointment
  225. anomalous   abnormal
  226. anonymity  state of being anonymous
  227. antagonistic    hostile
  228. antagonize   harass
  229. antechamber  waiting room
  230. antediluvian  ancient, obsolete
  231. anthology   collection
  232. anthrax  disease, bacterium
  233. antic  caper, prank
  234. antipathy  repulsion, hated
  235. antipodal   exactly opposite
  236. antiquated  outdated, obsolete
  237. antiquity   ancient times
  238. antithesis   direct opposite
  239. apartheid  racial segregation
  240. apathetic  unconcerned, uninterested
  241. apathy  indifference
  242. ape  mimic
  243. aperture  opening
  244. apex  highest point
  245. aphasia  speechless
  246. aphorism   maxim
  247. aplomb   poise
  248. apocalyptic  ominous, doomed
  249. apocryphal  of doubtful authenticity
  250. apoplexy   stroke
  251. apostate  one who abandons one’s faith
  252. apotheosis   deification
  253. appall  horrify
  254. apparition   phantom
  255. appease   pacify
  256. appellation    title
  257. append  affix
  258. apposite    apt
  259. apprehensive   anxious, worried
  260. apprise   inform
  261. approbation  approval
  262. apropos  appropriate
  263. apt  suitable
  264. aptitude  ability
  265. aquatic  pertaining to water
  266. arbiter  judge
  267. arbitrament  final judgment
  268. arbitrary  tyrannical, capricious
  269. arcane  secret, difficult to understand
  270. archaic  antiquated
  271. archetype  original model, epitome
  272. archipelago   group of island
  273. archives  public records
  274. ardent  passionate
  275. ardor  passion
  276. arduous  hard
  277. argonauts  gold-seekers, adventurers
  278. argot  specialized vocabulary, jargon
  279. aria  operatic song
  280. arid  dry, dull
  281. aristocrat  nobleman
  282. armada  fleet of ships
  283. armistice   truce
  284. arraign  indict
  285. array arrangement
  286. arrears  in debt
  287. arrogate  seize without right
  288. arroyo  gully
  289. arsenal  supply, stockpile of weapons
  290. artful  skillful, cunning
  291. articulate well-spoken
  292. artifice   trick
  293. artless  naive, simple
  294. ascend  rise
  295. ascendancy  powerful state
  296. ascertain discover
  297. ascetic  self-denying
  298. ascribe  to attribute
  299. aseptic  sterile
  300. ashen   pale
  301. asinine   stupid
  302. askance  to view with suspicion
  303. askew  crooked
  304. aspersion  slander
  305. asphyxiate   suffocate
  306. aspirant  contestant
  307. aspiration   ambition
  308. assail   attack
  309. assassin   murderer
  310. assent   agree
  311. assert  affirm
  312. assess   appraise
  313. assiduous   hard-working
  314. assimilate   absorb, integrate
  315. assonance   partial rhyme
  316. assuage  lessen (pain)
  317. astral  pertaining to stars
  318. astringent  causing contraction, severe
  319. astute  wise
  320. asunder  apart, into separate parts
  321. asylum  place of refuge
  322. asymmetric   uneven
  323. atavistic  exhibiting the characteristics of one’s forebears
  324. atelier  workshop
  325. atoll  reef
  326. atomize   vaporize
  327. atone  make amends
  328. atrophy  the wasting away of muscle
  329. attenuate  weaken, assuage
  330. attest   testify
  331. attire  dress
  332. attribute   ascribe
  333. attrition  deterioration, reduction
  334. atypical   abnormal
  335. au courant  well informed, chic
  336. audacity  boldness
  337. audient  listening, attentive
  338. audition  tryout
  339. augment  increase, supplement
  340. augur  predict
  341. august  noble, majestic
  342. aura  atmosphere, emanation
  343. auspices  patronage, protection
  344. auspicious   favorable
  345. austere  harsh, Spartan
  346. authorize   grant, sanction
  347. automaton  robot
  348. autonomous   self-governing
  349. auxiliary  secondary, supportive
  350. avail  assistance
  351. avant garde  vanguard
  352. avarice  greed
  353. avatar  incarnation
  354. averse  loath, reluctant
  355. avert turn away
  356. avian  pertaining to birds
  357. avid  enthusiastic
  358. avocation   hobby
  359. avouch  attest, guarantee
  360. avow  declare
  361. avuncular  like an uncle
  362. awry  crooked
  363. axiom  self-evident truth
  364. aye  affirmative vote
  365. azure  sky blue



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