41st BCS Written Exam Question (English)
Greetings to everyone and Thanks for Visiting my Blog. As the 41st BCS exam is going on and the Next one will be soon, so there is very little time… Read more 41st BCS Written Exam Question (English) →
Greetings to everyone and Thanks for Visiting my Blog. As the 41st BCS exam is going on and the Next one will be soon, so there is very little time… Read more 41st BCS Written Exam Question (English) →
The 41st BCS Written Exam is going on. I have already collected the questions of the exam which are already completed. Here is the Question of The Bangladesh related matters.… Read more 41st BCS Written Exam Question (Bangladesh) →
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Bangla Idiom and Phrases are very important for day to day conversation and Job interviews. Here some important Bangla Idiom and Phrases are enlisted here.
This post contains most used Bangla words with their synonymy’s.
বাংলা ব্যাকরণ ব্যাকরণঃ ব্যাকরণের ব্যুৎপত্তি গত রূপ- বি+আ+কৃ+অন। এর মূল অর্থ- “বিশেষভাবে বিশ্লেষণ”। বাংলা ব্যাকরণের আলোচ্য বিষয়াবলীঃ ধ্বনিতত্ত্বঃ এটি মূলত ধ্বনি, উচ্চারণনীতি, উচ্চারণের স্থান, ধ্বনি পরিবর্তন, সন্ধি, ণ-ত্ব ও ষ-ত্ব বিধান ইত্যাদি নিয়ে আলোচনা করে। শব্দতত্ত্বঃ এটি মূলত শব্দ, শব্দের গঠন, বচন, লিঙ্গ, কারক, পুরুষ, উপসর্গ, প্রত্যয়, বিভক্তি, সমাস, ক্রিয়া প্রকরণ ইত্যাদি নিয়ে আলোচনা করে। বাক্যতত্ত্বঃ এটি মূলত বাক্যের সঠিক গঠন প্রণালি, পদক্রম, পদের স্থান, পদ পরিবর্তন, বাগধারা, বাক্য সংযোজন, বাক্য সংকোচন, প্রবাদ- প্রবচন, বিরামচিহ্ন ইত্যাদি নিয়ে আলোচনা করে। ছন্দ ও অলংকার প্রকরণ অর্থতত্ত্ব অভিধানত্ত্ব ১ম তিনটি সাধারণ আলোচনার বিষয়,… Read more BCS written Preparation (Bangla) (বাংলা) →
40th BCS written exam routine
Collection of books about Liberation war of Bangladesh
39th BCS exam was specially for Doctors so it will be helpful for Doctors to prepare for future exams.
Analogy Questions for preparation English Version Question:
Checkout the Bangla Question for preparation.
Sorry For late upload. But i hope it will be helpful for those who follows my blog. It will help to get all the latest questions here in a single… Read more 38th BCS written Exam Question (English) →
Here is the questions,
Hello, check the math question out……
Hello everyone, Sorry for this late post, I have solved this already 4-5 months ago but could not published because i was busy and didn’t have enough time. But i think its not too late for those who will face 36th BCS written exam. I am sharing this for them mainly. I think this will really help them to get prepared for the exam. Moreover this is really helpful for other recruitment exams too …. so everyone is welcome to get it. Here is the link: Departmental(35th BCS written).docx If anyone… Read more 35th BCS written exam solution For (Mechanical Engineering) →
Hello everyone, on 7/09/2015 the last day of Common exam day. For Bangla there was some confusion because for all the examinees who has selected both Cadre have to face… Read more 35th BCS Written Exam Question (Bangla 1st & 2nd for Both Cadre) →