English Words with “V”, “W”, “X”, “Y”, “Z” to Enrich Your Vocabulary

Rich English vocabulary helps you write interesting sentences. It improves the impact of the writing on the readers. To score good in IELTS, GRE in writing rich vocabulary is must. So learn and practice more to get good grasp on English language. Hope you will find this post really helpful.

Words starting with “V”

(78 Words with Meaning in English)

  1. vacillate   waver
  2. vacuous  inane, empty
  3. vagary  whim
  4. vain  unsuccessful
  5. vainglorious   conceited
  6. valediction   farewell speech
  7. valiant   brave
  8. validate  affirm, authenticate
  9. valor  bravery
  10. vanguard  leading position
  11. vanquish  conquer
  12. vapid  vacuous, insipid
  13. variance   discrepancy
  14. vassal  subject,  subordinate
  15. vaunt   brag
  16. vehement  adamant
  17. venal  mercenary, for the sake of money
  18. vendetta  grudge, feud
  19. veneer  false front, facade
  20. venerable  revered
  21. venial  excusable
  22. venom  poison, spite
  23. venture  risk, speculate
  24. venturesome  bold, risky
  25. venue  location
  26. veracity  truthfulness
  27. veranda  porch
  28. verbatim  word for word, literal
  29. verbose  wordy
  30. verdant  green, lush
  31. verdict  decision, judgment
  32. vernacular  common speech
  33. vertigo  dizziness
  34. vestige  trace,  remnant
  35. veto  reject
  36. vex  annoy
  37. viable  capable of surviving, feasible
  38. viaduct  waterway
  39. viand  food
  40. vicious   evil,  cruel
  41. vicissitude   changing fortunes
  42. victuals   food
  43. vie  compete
  44. vigil  watch, sentry duty
  45. vigilant   on  guard
  46. vignette    scene
  47. vigor   vitality
  48. vilify  defame,  malign
  49. vindicate  free from blame
  50. vindictive   revengeful
  51. virile   manly, strong
  52. virtuoso  highly skilled artist
  53. virulent  deadly, poisonous, infectious
  54. visage  facial expression
  55. viscid   thick, gummy
  56. visitation   a formal visit
  57. vital  necessary
  58. vitiate   spoil, ruin
  59. vitreous   glassy
  60. vitriolic    scathing
  61. vituperative  abusive, critical language
  62. vivacious   lively, high-spirited
  63. vivid  lifelike, clear
  64. vivisection   experimentation on animals, dissection
  65. vocation   occupation
  66. vociferous  adamant, clamoring
  67. vogue  fashion, chic
  68. volant   agile
  69. volatile  unstable, precarious
  70. volition   free will
  71. voluble   talkative
  72. voluminous   bulky, extensive
  73. voracious    hungry
  74. votary  fan, aficionado
  75. vouchsafe  confer, bestow
  76. vulgarity   obscenity
  77. vulnerable  susceptible
  78. vulpine  fox-like,  cunning

Words starting with “W”

(40 Words with Meaning in English)

  1. wager  bet
  2. waggish   playful
  3. waive  forego
  4. wallow   indulge
  5. wan  pale, pallid, listless
  6. wane  dissipate, wither
  7. want  need, poverty, lack of
  8. wanton  lewd, abandoned, gratuitous
  9. warrant  justification
  10. wary  guarded, cautious
  11. wastrel  spendthrift
  12. waylay  ambush, accost
  13. wean  remove from nursing, break a habit
  14. weir  dam
  15. welter  confusion, hodgepodge
  16. wheedle  to coax with flattery
  17. whet  stimulate
  18. whiffle   vacillate
  19. whimsical   capricious, playful
  20. wield  exercise control
  21. willful  deliberate, wanton
  22. wily  shrewd, crafty
  23. wince  cringe
  24. windfall   bonus, boon
  25. winnow  separate
  26. winsome  charmingly innocent
  27. wistful  sad yearning, melancholy
  28. wither  shrivel
  29. wizened  shriveled
  30. woe  anguish, despair
  31. wont  custom, habit
  32. woo  court, seek favor
  33. wraith   ghost
  34. wrath  anger, fury
  35. wreak  to inflict something violent
  36. wrest  snatch
  37. wretched  miserable
  38. writ  summons, court order
  39. writhe  contort, thrash about
  40. wry  twisted, ironic sense of humor

Words starting with “X”

(3 Words with Meaning in English)

  1. xenophillic   attraction to strangers
  2. xenophobia  fear of foreigners
  3. xylophone   musical percussion instrument

Words starting with “Y”

(5 Words with Meaning in English)

  1. yarn  story, tale
  2. yearn  desire strongly
  3. yen  desire, yearning
  4. yore  long ago
  5. Young Turks  reformers

Words starting with “Z”

(4 Words with Meaning in English)

  1. zeal  earnestness, passion
  2. zealot  fanatic
  3. zenith   summit
  4. zephyr  gentle breeze

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