English Words with “T” to Enrich Your Vocabulary

Words starting with “T”

Rich English vocabulary helps you write interesting sentences. It improves the impact of the writing on the readers. To score good in IELTS, GRE in writing rich vocabulary is must. So learn and practice more to get good grasp on English language. Hope you will find this post really helpful.

(156 Words with Meaning in English)

  1. tabernacle   temple
  2. table  postpone
  3. tableau  scene, backdrop
  4. taboo  prohibition
  5. tabulate  arrange
  6. tacit  understood without being spoken
  7. taciturn  untalkative
  8. tactful   sensitive
  9. tactics   strategy
  10. tactile   tangible
  11. taint   pollute
  12. talion   punishment
  13. tally   count
  14. talon   claw
  15. tandem  two or more things together
  16. tang  strong taste
  17. tangential   peripheral
  18. tangible   touchable
  19. tantalize   tease
  20. tantamount  equivalent
  21. taper  candle
  22. tariff  tax on imported or exported goods
  23. tarn  small lake
  24. tarnish   taint
  25. tarry  linger
  26. taurine  bull-like
  27. taut   tight
  28. tautological   repetitious
  29. tawdry  gaudy
  30. technology  body of knowledge
  31. tedious  boring, tiring
  32. teem  swarm, abound
  33. temerity  boldness
  34. temperate  moderate
  35. tempest   storm
  36. tempestuous   agitated
  37. tempo  speed
  38. temporal  pertaining to time
  39. tempt  entice
  40. tenable  defensible, valid
  41. tenacious   persistent
  42. tendentious   biased
  43. tenement  decaying apartment building
  44. tenet  doctrine
  45. tensile   stretchable
  46. tentative   provisional
  47. tenuous   thin, insubstantial
  48. tenure  status given after a period of time
  49. tepid  lukewarm
  50. terminal   final
  51. terminology   nomenclature
  52. ternary  triple
  53. terpsichorean  related to dance
  54. terrain  the feature of land
  55. terrapin  turtle
  56. terrestrial  earthly
  57. terse  concise
  58. testament   covenant
  59. testy   petulant
  60. tether  tie down
  61. theatrics   histrionics
  62. theologian  one who studies religion
  63. thesaurus  book of synonyms
  64. thesis   proposition, topic
  65. thespian  actor
  66. thews   muscles
  67. thorny  difficult
  68. thrall   slave
  69. threadbare  tattered
  70. thrive  prosper
  71. throes  anguish
  72. throng  crowd
  73. throttle   choke
  74. thwart  to foil
  75. tiara  crown
  76. tidings  news, information
  77. tiff   fight
  78. timbre  tonal quality, resonance
  79. timorous  fearful, timid
  80. tincture   trace, vestige, tint
  81. tinsel  tawdriness
  82. tirade  scolding speech
  83. titan  accomplished person
  84. titanic   huge
  85. titer  laugh nervously
  86. tithe  donate one-tenth
  87. titian  auburn
  88. titillate   arouse
  89. titular  in name only, figurehead
  90. toady  fawner, sycophant
  91. tocsin  alarm bell, signal
  92. toil  drudgery
  93. tome  large book
  94. tonal  pertaining to sound
  95. topography  science of map making
  96. torment  harass
  97. torpid  lethargic, inactive
  98. torrid  scorching, passionate
  99. torsion   twisting
  100. torus  doughnut shaped object
  101. totter  stagger
  102. touchstone   standard
  103. tousled  disheveled
  104. tout  praise, brag
  105. toxicologist one who studies poisons
  106. tractable  docile, manageable
  107. traduce  slander
  108. tranquilize  calm, anesthetize
  109. transcribe  write a copy
  110. transfigure   transform, exalt
  111. transfix   impale
  112. transfuse   insert,  infuse
  113. transgression   trespass, offense
  114. transient   fleeting, temporary
  115. transitory  fleeting
  116. translucent  clear, lucid
  117. transpire  happen
  118. transpose  interchange
  119. trauma  injury
  120. travail  work, drudgery
  121. traverse   cross
  122. travesty  caricature, farce
  123. treatise  book, dissertation
  124. trek  journey
  125. trenchant  incisive, penetrating
  126. trepidation  fear
  127. triad  group of three
  128. tribunal   court
  129. tributary   river
  130. trite  commonplace, insincere
  131. troglodyte  cave dweller
  132. trollop   harlot
  133. troublous   disturbed
  134. trounce   thrash
  135. troupe  group of actors
  136. truckle   yield
  137. truculent  fierce, savage
  138. trudge  march, slog
  139. truism  self-evident truth
  140. truncate  shorten
  141. truncheon  club
  142. tryst  meeting, rendezvous
  143. tumbler  drinking glass
  144. tumefy   swell
  145. tumult   commotion
  146. turbid  muddy, clouded
  147. turgid   swollen
  148. turpitude   depravity
  149. tussle   fight
  150. tussock  cluster of glass
  151. tutelage  guardianship
  152. twain   two
  153. twinge   pain
  154. tyrannical  dictatorial
  155. tyranny  oppression
  156. tyro  beginner

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