English Words with “E” to Enrich Your Vocabulary

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Words starting with “E”

Rich English vocabulary helps you write interesting sentences. It improves the impact of the writing on the readers. To score good in IELTS, GRE in writing rich vocabulary is must. So learn and practice more to get good grasp on English language. Hope you will find this post really helpful.

(246 Words with Meaning in English)


  1. ebb  recede
  2. ebullient   exuberant
  3. eccentric  odd, weird
  4. ecclesiastical    churchly
  5. echelon  degree, rank
  6. éclat  brilliance
  7. eclectic   from many sources
  8. ectoderm  top layer of skin
  9. ecumenical   universal,  promoting unity
  10. edict  order
  11. edifice   building
  12. edify  instruct
  13. editorialize   express an opinion
  14. educe  draw forth, evoke
  15. efface  obliterate
  16. effeminate   unmanly
  17. effervescence  exuberance
  18. effete  worn out
  19. efficacious   effective
  20. efficacy   effectiveness
  21. effigy   likeness,  mannequin
  22. effloresce   to bloom
  23. effrontery  insolence
  24. effulgent   brilliant
  25. effusion   pouring  forth
  26. egocentric  self-centered
  27. egregious   grossly wrong
  28. egress    exit
  29. ejaculate   exclaim
  30. eke  supplement with great effort, strain
  31. elaboration  detailed explanation
  32. elate  raise spirits
  33. electorate   voters
  34. eleemosynary   pertaining to charity
  35. elegant  refined, exquisite
  36. elegiac   sad
  37. elephantine   large
  38. elicit   provoke
  39. elide   omit
  40. elite  upper-class
  41. ellipsis   omission  of  words
  42. eloquent  well-spoken
  43. elucidate  make clear, explain
  44. elude  evade
  45. elusive   evasive
  46. emaciated  underfed, gaunt
  47. emancipate   liberate
  48. emasculate  castrate, dispirit
  49. embargo  restriction
  50. embellish  exaggerate, adorn
  51. embezzlement  theft
  52. emblazon  imprint, brand
  53. embody  personify
  54. embrace  accept, adopt
  55. embrangle  embroil
  56. embroil  involve with trouble
  57. embryonic  rudimentary, nascent
  58. emend  correct
  59. emergent  appearing
  60. emeritus  retired, but retaining title
  61. eminent  distinguished, famous
  62. emissary   messenger
  63. emote  to display exaggerated emotion
  64. empathy  compassion, sympathy
  65. employ   make use of
  66. empower  enable, grant
  67. emulate   imitate
  68. enact  decree, ordain
  69. enamored  charmed, captivated
  70. enate related on the mother’s side
  71. encapsulate  condense
  72. enchant   charm
  73. enclave  area enclosed within another region
  74. encomium   praise
  75. encompass   contain, encircle
  76. encore  additional performance
  77. encroach  trespass
  78. encumber  burden
  79. encyclopedic comprehensive
  80. endear  enamor
  81. endeavor  attempt, strive
  82. endemic  peculiar to a particular region
  83. endocrinologist one who studies glands of internal secretion
  84. endoderm  within the skin
  85. endorse  approve
  86. endowment   property, gift
  87. endure  to suffer without giving up
  88. enervate  weaken
  89. enfranchise  liberate, grant the right to vote
  90. engaging  enchanting, charming
  91. engender  generate, prompt
  92. engrave  carve into a material
  93. engross  captivate
  94. engulf  overwhelm
  95. enhance  improve
  96. enigmatic   puzzling
  97. enjoin  urge, order, forbid
  98. enlighten    inform
  99. enlist    join
  100. enmity  hostility, hatred
  101. ennoble   exalt
  102. ennui  boredom, world-weariness
  103. enormity   large, tragic
  104. ensemble  musical group
  105. enshroud  cover, obscure
  106. ensnare  trap, lure
  107. ensue  follow immediately
  108. entail involve, necessitate
  109. enterprise  undertaking
  110. enthrall  mesmerize
  111. entice  lure
  112. entomology   the study of insects
  113. entourage  assemblage, staff
  114. entreat  plead
  115. entrench  fortify
  116. entrepreneur  businessman
  117. enumerate   count
  118. enviable   desirable
  119. envision   imagine,  visualize
  120. envoy  messenger
  121. eon  long period of time
  122. ephemeral  short-lived
  123. epic  majestic, a long narrative poem
  124. epicure   gourmet
  125. epidemic  spreading rapidly
  126. epidemiology  study of the spread of disease
  127. epigram   saying
  128. episode   incident
  129. epistemology   the branch of philosophy dealing with knowledge
  130. epithet  name, appellation
  131. epoch   era
  132. epoxy   glue
  133. equable  even-tempered
  134. equanimity   composure, poise
  135. equine  pertaining to horses
  136. equitable   fair
  137. equivocate  make intentionally ambiguous
  138. era  period of time
  139. eradicate   abolish
  140. ergo  therefore
  141. erode  wear away
  142. err  mistake, misjudge
  143. errant wandering
  144. erratic  constantly changing
  145. erroneous  mistaken
  146. ersatz  artificial
  147. erudite  learned
  148. erupt  burst forth
  149. escalate   intensify
  150. escapade  adventure
  151. escarpment  a steep slope
  152. eschew  avoid
  153. esoteric  known by only a few
  154. esplanade  boardwalk
  155. espouse  advocate
  156. esteem  respect
  157. esthetic   artistic
  158. estimable   meritorious
  159. estrange   alienate
  160. eternal  endless
  161. ethereal  light, airy
  162. ethical  conforming to accepted standards of behavior
  163. ethos  beliefs of a group
  164. etiquette   manners
  165. etymology   study of words
  166. euphemism  genteel expression
  167. euphoria  elation
  168. euthanasia   mercy-killing
  169. evade  avoid
  170. evanescent   fleeting, very brief
  171. evangelical   proselytizing
  172. evasive   elusive
  173. eventful   momentous
  174. eventual   ultimate,  coming
  175. eventuate   bring about
  176. evidential  pertaining to evidence
  177. evince  attest, demonstrate
  178. eviscerate   disembowel
  179. evoke  draw forth
  180. evolution  gradual change
  181. ewe  female sheep
  182. ex officio   by virtue of position
  183. exacerbate  worsen
  184. exact  use authority to force payment
  185. exacting  demanding, difficult
  186. exalt   glorify
  187. exasperate   irritate
  188. excerpt   selection, extract
  189. excision   removal
  190. exclaim    shout
  191. exclude  shut out
  192. exclusive   prohibitive
  193. excommunicate    expel
  194. excruciate   torture
  195. execrable  abominable
  196. execute  put into effect
  197. exegesis   interpretation
  198. exemplary  outstanding
  199. exempt   excuse
  200. exhaustive   thorough
  201. exhibitionist   one who draws attention to himself
  202. exhort  strongly urge
  203. exhume  uncover
  204. exigency   urgency
  205. exiguous    scanty
  206. exile   banish
  207. exodus  departure, migration
  208. exonerate  free from blame
  209. exorbitant   expensive
  210. exorcise    expel
  211. expanse  extent of land
  212. expansive   sweeping
  213. expedient  advantageous
  214. expedite  hasten
  215. expel  drive out
  216. expertise  knowledge, ability
  217. expiate   atone
  218. expletive   curse,  invective
  219. expliate   atone
  220. explicate   explain
  221. explicit  definite, clear
  222. exploit   utilize,  milk
  223. expose  divulge, reveal
  224. expostulate   protest
  225. expound   explain
  226. expropriate  dispossess, confiscate
  227. expunge   erase
  228. exquisite  beautifully made
  229. extant   existing
  230. extemporize   improvise
  231. extent   scope
  232. extenuate   mitigate
  233. extirpate  seek out and destroy
  234. extol  praise highly
  235. extort  obtain under duress
  236. extract  to pull out, exact
  237. extradite  deport, deliver
  238. extraneous  not essential
  239. extrapolate   infer
  240. extremity  farthest point, boundary
  241. extricate  disentangle
  242. extroverted   outgoing
  243. extrude  force out
  244. exuberant   joyous
  245. exude   emit
  246. exult  rejoice

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