English Words with “C” to Enrich Your Vocabulary

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Words starting with “C”

Rich English vocabulary helps you write interesting sentences. It improves the impact of the writing on the readers. To score good in IELTS, GRE in writing rich vocabulary is must. So learn and practice more to get good grasp on English language. Hope you will find this post really helpful.

(358 Words with Meaning in English)

  1. cabal  a group of conspirators
  2. cabaret  night club
  3. cache  hiding place
  4. cachet  prestige
  5. cacophony  dissonance, harsh noise
  6. cadaver  corpse
  7. cadaverous  haggard
  8. cadence  rhythm
  9. cadet  a student of a military academy
  10. cadge   beg
  11. cadre  small group
  12. cajole  encourage, coax
  13. calamity   disaster
  14. calculating   scheming
  15. caliber  ability, character
  16. callous   insensitive
  17. callow  inexperienced
  18. calumny   slander
  19. camaraderie  fellowship
  20. canaille   rabble
  21. canard  hoax
  22. candid  frank, unrehearsed
  23. candor  frankness
  24. canine  pertaining to dogs
  25. canon   rule
  26. cant  insincere speech
  27. cantankerous  peevish
  28. cantata  musical composition
  29. canvass   survey
  30. capacious   spacious
  31. capillary  thin tube
  32. capital  most significant, pertaining to wealth
  33. capitol   legislative building
  34. capitulate  surrender
  35. capricious   fickle, impulsive
  36. caption   title
  37. captious  fond of finding fault in others
  38. captivate  engross, fascinate
  39. carafe  bottle
  40. carbine   rifle
  41. carcinogenic   causing cancer
  42. carcinoma   tumor
  43. cardinal  chief
  44. cardiologist one who studies the heart
  45. careen  swerve
  46. carrion  decaying flesh
  47. cartographer  mapmaker
  48. cascade  waterfall
  49. cashmere  fine wool from Asia
  50. Cassandra  unheeded prophet
  51. castigate  criticize
  52. castrate  remove the testicles
  53. casuistry  specious reasoning
  54. cataclysm   catastrophe
  55. catastrophic  disastrous
  56. categorical   absolute, certain
  57. cathartic  purgative, purifying
  58. catholic universal, worldly
  59. caucus   meeting
  60. cause célèbre  celebrated legal case
  61. caustic  scathing (of speech)
  62. cauterize   to sear
  63. cavalier  disdainful, nonchalant
  64. caveat  warning
  65. caveat emptor  buyer beware
  66. cavil  quibble
  67. cavort   frolic
  68. cede  transfer ownership, relinquish
  69. celestial   heavenly
  70. celibate  abstaining from sex
  71. cenotaph  empty tomb, monument
  72. censorious  condemning speech
  73. censure  condemn
  74. ceramics  pottery
  75. cerebral  pertaining to the brain
  76. cessation   a stoping
  77. chafe  abrade
  78. chagrin  embarrassment
  79. chalice   goblet
  80. champion  defend
  81. chaperon   escort
  82. charade  pantomime, sham
  83. charlatan  quack, imposter
  84. chartreuse  greenish yellow
  85. chary  cautious
  86. chaste  pure, virgin
  87. chasten  castigate
  88. chateau  castle
  89. cheeky  brass, forward
  90. cherub  cupid
  91. cherubic  sweet, innocent
  92. chicanery  trickery
  93. chide  scold
  94. chimerical  imaginary, dreamlike
  95. choleric  easily angered
  96. chortle   laugh, snort
  97. chronic  continual (usually of illness)
  98. chronicle  a history, record
  99. chronology   arrangement by time
  100. churl  a boor
  101. chutzpah   gall
  102. Cimmerian  dim, unlit
  103. cipher  zero, nobody, a code
  104. circa  about (of time)
  105. circuitous   roundabout
  106. circumcise  remove the foreskin
  107. circumlocution   roundabout expression
  108. circumspect   cautious
  109. circumvent  evade, thwart
  110. citadel  fortress
  111. citation  summons to appear in court
  112. clamor  noise
  113. clan  extended family
  114. clandestine   secret
  115. claustrophobia   fear of enclosed places
  116. cleave    split
  117. cleft   split
  118. clemency  forgiveness
  119. clique  a small group
  120. cloister  refuge, monastery
  121. clone duplicate
  122. clout influence
  123. cloven   split
  124. cloy  glut, to sicken by excess
  125. cloyed  jaded
  126. co-opt  preempt,  usurp
  127. coagulate   thicken
  128. coalesce   combine
  129. coda  concluding passage
  130. coddle  pamper
  131. codicil  supplement to a will
  132. coercion  force
  133. coffer  strong box
  134. cogent  well-put, convincing
  135. cogitate   ponder
  136. cognate  from the same source
  137. cognizant  aware, mindful
  138. cognomen  family name
  139. cohabit   live together
  140. cohere  stick together
  141. cohort  an associate
  142. coiffure   hairdo
  143. collaborate  work together
  144. collar  seize, arrest
  145. collateral  securities for a debt
  146. colloquial  informal speech
  147. colloquy  conference
  148. collusion   conspiracy
  149. colonnade  row of columns
  150. comatose   stupor
  151. combine  unite, blend
  152. commandeer  seize for military use
  153. commemorate   observe
  154. commend   praise
  155. commensurate  proportionate
  156. commiserate   empathize
  157. commissary  food store
  158. commission   authorization to perform a task
  159. commodious   spacious
  160. commodity   product
  161. commodore  naval officer
  162. communion   fellowship
  163. commutation   exchange, substitution
  164. commute   lessen punishment
  165. compact  covenant
  166. compassion   kindness
  167. compatible well-matched, harmonious
  168. compatriot   countryman
  169. compelling   convincing, persuasive
  170. compendium   summary
  171. compensate  make up for
  172. compensatory redeeming
  173. competence skillfulness
  174. compile   collect
  175. complacent  self-satisfied, oblivious to coming danger
  176. compliant   submissive, conforming
  177. complicity   guilt by association
  178. comport  to conduct oneself
  179. composed  cool, self-possessed
  180. compound   augment
  181. comprehensive   thorough
  182. comprise  consist of
  183. compulsive   obsessive
  184. compulsory   obligatory
  185. compunction   remorse
  186. concatenate   link
  187. concave  curving inward
  188. concede  yield, grant
  189. concerted  done together, intensive effort
  190. conch  spiral shell
  191. conciliatory   reconciling,  restoring goodwill
  192. concise   brief
  193. conclusive  convincing, ending doubt
  194. concoct   devise
  195. concomitant   accompanying, concurrent
  196. concord  accord
  197. concordat  agreement
  198. concourse  throng, open space for a gathering
  199. concubine   mistress
  200. concur  agree
  201. concurrent  simultaneous
  202. condescend  patronize, talk down to
  203. condiment   seasoning
  204. condolence   commiseration
  205. condone  overlook wrong doing, pardon
  206. conducive   helping
  207. conduit   pipe
  208. confabulate   discuss, give a fictitious account of a past event
  209. confection   candy
  210. confederacy  alliance
  211. confer  bestow
  212. conference   meeting
  213. confidant  trusted friend
  214. confide  trust another (with secrets)
  215. confiscate    seize
  216. conflagration  large fire
  217. confluence  flowing together
  218. confound  bewilder
  219. confront  challenge
  220. confuse  perplex
  221. confute  disprove
  222. congeal   solidify
  223. congenial   friendly
  224. congenital  inborn, existing from birth
  225. congeries   pile
  226. congruence  conformity
  227. coniferous   bearing cones
  228. conjecture  hypothesis, speculation
  229. conjugal  pertaining to marriage
  230. conjure  summon
  231. connive   conspire
  232. connoisseur  an expert, gourmet
  233. consanguineous   related by blood
  234. conscientious   honorable, upright
  235. conscription   draft,  enlistment
  236. consecrate  make holy
  237. consecutive  one after another
  238. consensus  general agreement
  239. considered  well thought-out, contemplated
  240. consign    assign
  241. consolation   comfort, solice
  242. console   comfort
  243. consolidate   unite,  strengthen
  244. consonant   harmonious
  245. consort  spouse
  246. consortium   cartel
  247. conspicuous   obvious
  248. conspire    plot
  249. constellation  arrangement of stars
  250. consternation   anxiety, bewilderment
  251. constrained   confined
  252. construe  interpret
  253. consummate   perfect
  254. contagion  infectious agent
  255. contemplate   meditate
  256. contempt  disdain
  257. contend   struggle
  258. contented   satisfied
  259. contentious   argumentative
  260. contiguous   adjacent, abutting
  261. continence   self-control
  262. contingent   conditional
  263. contort   twist
  264. contraband  illicit goods
  265. contraction  shrinkage
  266. contractual  related to a contract
  267. contrariety   opposition
  268. contrast  difference, comparison
  269. contravene   oppose
  270. contretemps  unfortunate occurrence
  271. contrite  apologetic
  272. contrive  arrange, artificial
  273. controversial  subject to dispute
  274. controvert  dispute
  275. contumacy  disobedience
  276. contusion    bruise
  277. conundrum  puzzle, enigma
  278. convene  assemble (a group)
  279. conventional  customary, standard
  280. converge  come together
  281. conversant   familiar
  282. converse   opposite
  283. convex  curving outward
  284. convey  communicate
  285. conviction  strongly held belief
  286. convivial   sociable, festive
  287. convocation   gathering
  288. convoke   convene, summon
  289. convoluted   twisted, complicated
  290. copious   abundant
  291. coquette  a flirt
  292. cordial  friendly
  293. cordon  bond, chain, barrier
  294. cornucopia  cone-shaped horn filled with fruit
  295. corollary  consequence
  296. coronation  crowning of a sovereign
  297. corporeal  of the body
  298. corps  group of people
  299. corpulent  fat
  300. corroborate  confirm
  301. cortege  procession
  302. coruscate   sparkle
  303. cosmopolitan   worldly, sophisticated
  304. cosset  coddle
  305. coterie   small  group
  306. countenance  facial expression
  307. countermand   overrule
  308. counterstrike  strike back
  309. countervail  counterbalance
  310. coup  master stroke, sudden takeover
  311. coup de grâce  final stroke, a blow of mercy
  312. court-martial   military trial
  313. courtesan   prostitute
  314. courtier  member of the king’s court
  315. covenant  agreement, pact
  316. covert  secret
  317. covet  desire
  318. cower  showing fear
  319. crass  crude
  320. crave  desire
  321. craven  cowardly
  322. credence  belief
  323. credenza  buffet
  324. credulity gullibility
  325. credulous believing
  326. creed  belief
  327. crescendo  becoming louder
  328. crestfallen   dejected
  329. crevice   crack
  330. cringe  cower
  331. criterion  a standard used in judging
  332. critique  examination, criticism
  333. croon   sing
  334. cruet  bottle
  335. crux  gist, key
  336. cryptic  mysterious, puzzling
  337. cubism  a style of painting
  338. cudgel   club
  339. culinary  pertaining to cooking
  340. cull  pick out, select
  341. culminate   climax
  342. culpable  blameworthy
  343. culprit  offender
  344. culvert  drain
  345. cumbersome  unwieldy
  346. cumulative   accumulate
  347. cupidity  greed
  348. curb  restrain, block
  349. curmudgeon  boor, bad-tempered
  350. curriculum  course of study
  351. curry  seek favor by flattery
  352. cursory  hasty
  353. curt  abrupt, rude
  354. curtail  shorten
  355. cyclone   storm
  356. cynical  scornful of the motives or sincerity of others
  357. cynosure  celebrity, center of attention
  358. czar  Russian emperor

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